Aún cuando el proyecto Power Exchange and Discipline are usually used interchangeably, they are not the same. Discipline it’s a form of Power Exchange but it’s certainly not the only type.
Discipline it's what most -not well versed- people think when thinking about Power Exchange or any kind of BDSMK activity actually. A Dominant partner setting rules to a submissive one, when such rules are broken, punishment is due. But perhaps it is more accurate to say that Discipline it's a focused version of Dominance/submission [D/s]. You can't have discipline without a clear Dominance/submission dynamic in place, it inherently includes a power imbalance. Yet, it's a specific practice within D/s, it's not what D/s is. Discipline can be present on any Power Exchange Play, after all it's the defining act of setting behavioral codes and enforcing them. Nonetheless, discipline stands by itself as is it's unique kind of play, think of it more like “a learning play”. And yes, punishment it's usually part of Discipline, after all -what’s the point of having rules if there are no consequences for breaking them?- but that's not the main point. The point is control. Discipline is not violence for the sake of it, it is power, sometimes in a subtle and relentless form. Rules [discipline] shapes us, trains us, drills us and “normalizes” us. “Power” isn’t just the ability to micromanage everything and make someone ask “may I. . .” for every little thing all day long. It’s knowing that there are rules and behavior standards laid out that MUST be followed, otherwise . . . And those things can be adhered to even when the Top is not standing there to see the rules being followed.
The goal of discipline is to "teach" the sub how they should behave as well as the consequences that may arise as a result of breaking those rules. When subs receive punishment for breaking the set rules, they "learn" self-restraint and become "better" subs. Discipline aims at behavior modification, and -classical and operant- conditioning, reason why punishment is usually related to the mistake, and is also usually proportional to the severity and frequency of the mistake. Yet, for the non-initiated talking about discipline, it’s equal to pain, as if it were S/m. It is also believed that the punishments applied within discipline are solely physical and painful or exclusively sexual in nature. One weird misconception it’s believing that Disciplinarians are service Tops.
Inside the trenches of Discipline Disciplinarians used different kind of psychological techniques, like:
Positive Reinforcement
This is what most people think of when thinking about “reward”. In exchange for “good” behavior something tangible or physical -like a treat or a kiss- it's given.
Negative Reinforcement
It is the threat that there are consequences [punishment] when rules are not followed and expectations are not met. To avoid something unpleasant certain behavior should be learned and mastered.
Positive Punishment
This is what most people think of when they think of “punishment”. Because you behaved badly, you get a spanking, corner time, lines to write. The association between a “bad” action and a non pleasant physical or mental stimuli.
Negative punishment
On the other hand, it is when a stimulus is taken away following a certain behavior or action. You misbehave, the Disciplinarian takes away your orgasm privileges. Negative punishment removes something that the bottom enjoys and puts conditions to regain it. Could be physical [taking a toy, a play style or privileges away], or it could be more psychological [withdrawing affection, not giving tasks, refusing to be served by the bottom]
Negative reinforcement is not necessarily the opposite of positive reinforcement, and negative punishment is not necessarily the opposite of positive punishment. Knowing how and when to apply these techniques are part of a Disciplinarian's skill sets. For obvious reasons mental health issues can be triggered in some circumstances.