
Female Tops

Not Just Dommes

As always, nuances are important when it comes to giving meaning to words, especially the words we use to identify ourselves and others. For many years I was unable to grasp the importance of differentiating between Top and Dominant. You may ask: "why it’s having clarity about roles important?". Well, because no matter how much some of us might hate labels, how much we want to believe we are rebel anarchists who refuse to play along and abide the rules that put us in “little boxes”; the roles we used within BDSMK really are an essential part of our kink journey. Things like: finding a partner, negotiation, expectations, and much more, depend on it. It is not simply about playing a part in a fantasy, though that is an important element.


The terms "Top" and "Dominant" in BDSMK are usually used very interchangeably. I have learned that even though all Dominants can be called Tops, not all Tops can be called Dominant. A Top is a person who performs the action or leads the activities during a BDSMK scene. The focus of a Top's role is on the execution of specific tasks or activities, rather than a broader power dynamic. While a Dominant [Dom for males, Domme for females] has a broader role that often extends beyond specific scenes to encompass a larger power dynamic within the relationship. The Dominant exercises control, authority, and power over the submissive on a more ongoing basis.


Dominants often engage in psychological aspects of dominance, such as setting rules, giving orders, and establishing rituals. So, we could say that while a Top focuses on the actions and activities within a scene a Dominant encompasses a broader power dynamic that often extends outside of scenes into the operative life.  Understanding this distinction is crucial for clear communication and setting appropriate expectations within a BDSMK relationships.


Now that I clarify this very important difference between Top and Dominant, let's talk about female Tops.

The Female Top Archetype


Tight underwear, tiny bra, shiny black leather/latex outfit, super high heels, perfect hair, voluminous red lips. Let's be honest, that's how a female Top looks like in most people's minds . . .BUT have you ever asked yourself, how did this stereotype come to live rent free in our minds? Who were/are THE kink culture sculptors that many blindly follow today? Easy, short, straight answer: MEN, GUYS, DUDES. Yes, kink origins are deeply misogynistic and patriarchal, sorry if that disturbs you, but this is why I fucking love history.


Kink, as we know it today, started not long ago, I would say between the late 30's or early 40's. Kink, as a social idea, was in it's origins an erotic artistic movement push by white men [shocker], as such MANY of the precepts we hold as "true kink" come from their privileged point of view, and even today, we as kinksters, keep perpetuating many of those stereotypes.


My issue with women within kink isn't what Andrea Dworkin and Susan Griffin argumented:


"... the inherent violence that exists within these practices, especially directed against women, and how it legitimizes the male desire to subdue, assault and control women...".


I know how this is going to be taken for my awesome non kinky feminist gals out there . . . eat a kit-kat and drink a cup of coffee . . . Now, let's move one.


Yes, ethical kink do exist. No, kink is not necessarily synonym of abuse. Yes, some women find empowering using patriarchal ideas against the same patriarchy. No, human behavior isn't as black and white as most people like to believe. It's a very interwined set of nuances and shades . . . And to all my kink feminist ladies, especially female Tops; just because you, as an empowered woman, like and enjoy something, doesn’t mean that it is or should be free from deconstruction or critique or is less patriarchal. We can be pro female power yet have patriarchal ideas about ourselves and others; we are raise to internalize those thoughts, if we don't put the conscious work into, relearn how to see things under a different light, we will keep that eurocentric, straight, white, male, privilege view as our own. Yeah, I know, I sound so freaking boring and serious that irks, but from time to time I need to take my paddle to bit some sense into people's skulls.


Unpopular opinion warning. Anyone who tries to have control over a woman's ideas, actions or body is a misogynist asshole, even if that someone is a woman who identifies herself as a feminist but at the same time shouts that kinky women should stop doing something that gives them pleasure. It seems they forget a very important part of the equation, CONSENT and negotiation. We choose how that "violence" looks like and how and when it will be delivered. So . . . only patriarchy hates when women control their own sexuality, right?


I also acknowledge there are people who use BDSMK as a tool to hurt/use others but that doesn't nullify the ethics of BDSMK. Same as having ethics doesn't mean BDSMK isn't inherently patriarchal. Let’s try to unpack that one. The feminist movement has been part of kink history for decades now. Just think about Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy [kink author’s and sexual educators]. Let's not forget about Pat Califia and Gayle S. Rubin [kink researchers/authors]. But, and this is a BIG BUT, nothing and no one exists isolated in this world. Social media, music, culture, religion, and more, have an impact on how we relate and see things. Pretending that our understanding of sex isn't affected by the world we live in and the culture that surrounds us, is not only naive but bluntly ignorant, it's a lie. Our sexual fantasies don't exist in a vacuum, they are products of widespread [often patriarchal] social conditioning and personal experiences. Yes, even if you are a Domme!


The fetishization of the "dominatrix" figure is something extremely interesting to me personally, even if on the surface we may think it is an empowered role that allows women to regain control over their sexuality, is it really though?

Who Are the Creators of the Domme Archetype?

Short answer: the male gaze aka patriarchy.  Conspiracy theory [yes, I have a tone of those]: capitalism [as the armed hand of patriarchy]. Historical [but partial] answer: a bunch of guys. Let's meet all this questionable figures who have left their mark in the history of eroticism.

Charles Guyette

He loved corsets, high heels boots and stockings

John Willie

He loved Dommes with tight clothing, dark hair, hight hell boots, gloves and a tiny waist. It's worth ponting out the our dear Jonny depicted Dommes and subs, and both are imprinted in the colletive imagination.

Eric Stanton

The responsible for popularizing the proto Domme [red lips, few clothing, high heels, big boobs, big ass, wide hips, tiny waist, angry and always looking for sex].

Gene Bilbrew

Honorific mention to the first black fetish artist [that I know of] that was also a singer!

These male artists, among many others, shaped our kink world. Their aesthetic is deeply printed in us, whether we want it or not. But most of all, they were the ones who literally drew how Dommes should look like. And yes, their art was/is subversive, especially during the 20', 30', 40', 50', 60' and 70', when morality and ultra-conservative thinking were the norm. Depictions of sex positive, dominant women and non monogamous, non straight "vanilla" sex was [is] revolutionary. However, it is still something done by men, for men.

The Price of Looking Like a Domme

This it's the perfect time to allow you to take a closer look to the “logistics” of being a female Top. You know, those everyday superficial little things everyone expects from a Domme but many people don't contribute to, those things that make a woman to be perceived as "powerful". How much does it cost in today's money to look like those drawings and photos from old days that we idealize and keep in our masturbatory drawer?


Let’s start with clothing. . .

Domme $

They are ridiculously expensive [see now why tribute it's a very much need it thing?], squeeze us, make us sweaty, hurt our skin, give us blisters. . .


Do you think a woman would choose to wear those without internalized patriarchal male gaze scripts in her? Yes, we freely choose the clothes, no one is "forcing us", and we feel empowered by it. But, have you ever asked yourself, why? Actually, it’s very easy. Just as we learned pink is for weak girls, we also learned that black is for "not any girl". We learned that high heels make us look more powerful even if it actually makes us physically weaker [makes us slow, limits our mobility, makes our back and feet hurt], and doesn't bring anything beyond self perception to the table. But we endure because it is the cost of looking hot, right? We wear it because we want to feel sexy, and we learn how a "sexy powerful strong woman" looks like from. . . ah, you are getting to see the point where I want to get to, right?


For centuries male gaze has defined how female beauty should be, that doesn't change just because happens we are kink folks. Actually I think it is quite the opposite. I think it’s fair to say that "the only for men focus" around everything related to sex, eroticism and pleasure has been pretty dominant since. . .well, forever, leaving women out of the conversation. I confess to be a pretty non-conventional Mistress in the way I present myself, I refuse to use heel, fuck that, I want to be able to run and hate back pain. . .

A Domme's Mood

This may be a salty nitpick of mine but; why are Dommes angry all the time? This is one of those things I really don't get but at the same time I do get it, you know?. Again, [misrepresentation] made from men's point of view. Because in their brain, a woman daring to overpower a man is because she hates him, otherwise she would gladly surrender, right? Yes, some men want us [women] taking power, BUT they want us to do it in "a sexy way", in a way that serves them. After all, we, even as powerful beings, need to fit in their idea of what a powerful woman is, not our own version of it. But that doesn’t sound right to me. If I’m going to call myself a powerful woman I will fuck patriarchy's tight ass. I genuinely believe that if a female Top wants to be revolutionary the best She can do is wearing baby pink soft baggy clothes, treat Her sub in the sweetest over sugary manner, have them massaging Her feet while telling them about Her inner life. Nothing near to the fetish realm. I'm sure 99,99% of men would pass from that experience, because that doesn't serve their purpose. But hey, there’s also the possibility that exists a guy who’s really into this. If you are that guy, please email me!


It is not lost to me that the mere idea of a female lead relationship challenges patriarchal notions of women’s role within man-woman relationships, it challenges gendered based power structures. But it’s hard to completely ignore how the concept of a Domme basically started out as a male desire. It will definitely take a lot of time and effort [from the kink community] to completely strip BDSMK of its patriarchal view.


Ultimately BDSMK is about breaking traditional perceptions and norms that exist in society surrounding sexuality, let's cheer for those female Tops who don't use high heels, those who don't have a tiny waist, the ones that don't wear tight black leather/latex outfits, the ones that aren't angry, those who don't hate men!. Let's dare to challenge the male vision of how we most look like, let's create our female version of ourselves.

Female Tops Beyond the Domme

Beyond the musty female Top archetype in which the Dominatrix is the only manifestation of FemDom, of course always associated with specialized fetish clothing and props used to signify Her role as a strong, dominant, sexualised woman. There is a much wider range of Tops types [and bottoms] roles than may at first appear obvious. One of the most obvious types may be: lifestyle Top & Pro-Tops. And before you lose it, I will not indulge in the whole contentious topic of what "lifestyle" really means. That’s a reading for another day. Now, I need you to burn the following in your brain; even though some [ignorant] people and some [stupid] laws claim that professional Dommes are sex workers, THEY ARE NOT PROSTITUTES. I don't want to read accusations of me being anti-sex work because I'm not, but each thing by its name and for what they are. Despite using sensual and erotic interactions used by Pro-Dommes, happy endings are not the reason why someone should look for a Pro-Domme, most of Them will even get angry if someone asks for intercourse or touches Them.


Hopefully I already gave you enough context around the female Top world. Now, the different female Top archetypes.

Female Tops Archetypes



A Dominatrix, or Domme, is a self-identifying female person who takes a dominant role within a power dynamic.


She’s not here to play nice [unless She wants to]. Equal parts elegance and intimidation, wrapped in leather and a knowing smirk. She’s the kind of woman who can silence a room with a single raised eyebrow and make grown people tremble just by tapping Her heels. She’s confident, commanding, and not interested in fulfilling your wild fantasies for free [tribute it's important part of dealing with a Domme] She’s got Her own agenda, darling, and it’s one you’d be lucky to be a part of.


She knows Her power, wields it like an art form, and has zero patience for anyone who doesn’t respect the dynamic. You’ll find Her ruling over a room [or someone’s mind] with the precision of a maestro. Approach with caution, curiosity, and a tribute wouldn’t hurt. Remember, She doesn’t need you, She chooses you, and if you’re lucky, you might just get a taste of what true submission feels like.


Contrary to popular belief, a Domme may or may not engage in sex with Her submissive. Professional Dommes certainly don’t offer intercourse. They offer the power exchange experience without the aspect of sex. Dommes can sometimes be sadistics but this isn’t always the case. A Domme’s enjoyment mainly resides in the power exchange factor between Her and the sub. The stereotype of a Dominatrix portrays a female who is stern and always dressed in black. Sometimes, however, this picture can be far from the truth. In fact, Dommes can be average women who happen to work enabling clients' sexual fantasies and desires. Here a very controversial hot take, no women under 25 years old should call herself a Dominatrix. They do not have the skill, experience and maturity enough for it. There, I said it.



Mistresses are frequently mistakenly associated with other roles popular in the BDSMK communities. Both Domme and [to a lesser extent] Goddess are frequently considered to be synonymous with Mistress, however, there are some differences in these terms. I consider important to fully know and understand a Mistress’s role before pursuing one.


You may say that Dommes and Mistresses are in the same kingdom but have different thrones. . .and servants. I think abpout the  Mistress as the Domme’s refined, wickedly elegant . . .cousin[?] Can be just as commanding, but with a twist of old-world allure and a penchant for indulgence. While a Domme might crack the whip with precision, the Mistress prefers to savor your submission, taking Her sweet time as She wraps you around Her little finger... and then tightens Her grip.


The Mistress is all about the experience. She’s not just dominating; She’s orchestrating [perhaps why many become in Dollmakers & Toymakers]. You’ll find Her sipping champagne [or coffee] while you kneel at Her feet, every move and word dripping with sensuality and control. Her punishments come with a sly smile, and Her rewards? Well, let’s just say you’ll be working hard for even a taste of them.

While a Domme brings fierce energy and directness, the Mistress brings elegance and a certain theatrical flair. She might not snap commands like a drill sergeant, but make no mistake, Her power is every bit as absolute. She doesn’t just want your obedience; She wants to mold you into the perfect devotee, one velvet glove-clad gesture at a time.

So, darling, if you're looking for a Mistress, be prepared to play the long game. Because while a Domme might break you down, a Mistress will seduce you into submission, and by the time you realize you’re wrapped around Her finger, it’ll be exactly where you want to be.


As all BDSMK archetypes the Mistress role can vary greatly depending on the person and/or relationship. Some Mistresses only seek kink service, others like 24/7 power exchange, some prefer including household maintenance, chores and running errands in Their power dynamics, while some Mistresses will certainly want to administer punishment, such as spanking, caning, humiliation, bondage and more. Whatever She likes, what will inevitably be at the center of Her activities is the power exchange. I think about the Mistress role as a Domme who has strong Disciplinarian traits. Pro-Mistresses, same as Pro-Dommes, don't engage in “traditional” sexual work. They work with senses, erotism, fantasies, etc, happy endings aren’t the goal in Her trade. Here my second controversial hot take, no women under 35 should call herself a Mistress. I think the Mistress role is the result of sifting the Domme role. Don't hate me for telling the truth.



Mommies, sweet, stern, and not here to baby you. The Mommy role it's one of my favorite roles; think about nurturing but with a no-nonsense edge. A good Mommy has a warm embrace and a wicked smile, ready to support you as you grow, and will hold you accountable when you slip up. Imagine Her as the caring figure who makes sure you’re taking care of yourself, but isn’t afraid to remind you of the consequences if you don’t.


The Mommy role brings a blend of comfort and control. She’s there to soothe you after a rough day, guide you when you're lost, and gently [but firmly] enforce the rules. And don’t get it twisted; just because She’s kind doesn’t mean She’s soft. Mommy doesn’t coddle; She encourages and corrects, with the perfect balance of tenderness and authority ❤️️.


You can say that Mommies belongs to the world of age play and role play; very rarely They are part of "traditional" power dynamic, yet that doesn't mean you won't find Them inmerse in one. I guess this it's because the Mommy archetype it's based in the idea of a female figure who takes on a nurturing and/or maternal role in a dynamic.


Usually Their approach will be more “affectionate and gentler” than a Domme’s or Mistress’s. Mommy’s rather prefer using affection, persuasion and reward, if that doesn’t work coercion, blackmail and punishment are always in an arms reach. Their dynamics often involve an element of guidance and support for their partner's personal development. Even though some people claim Mommy is a dominant role, according to my knowledge They are Tops, not dominants. They do not take a dominant role, They take more of a caregiver, mentor, teacher role. Although there are elements of power imbalance within the fantasy, it’s based on knowledge and age more than in power exchange.


So, if you're lucky enough to find yourself with a Mommy, prepare for a journey of self-care, discipline, and, yes, the occasional stern talking-to. She’s the boss who nurtures, the guide who supports, and the one you’ll want to please, not just because She demands it, but because She makes you want to be the best version of yourself.



Enter the Disciplinarian; the no-nonsense female Top who believes in the art of corrective action. Think of Her as the school principal [I always picture this archetype as a headmistress!] you don’t want to cross, but with a lot more leather and a glint in Her eye that says She knows exactly how to keep you in line. Actually you won't be wrong saying that my kink alter is something between a Mistress and a Disciplinarian with ocassional tints of Mommy.


The Disciplinarian isn’t here for playful games, She’s here to teach you a lesson or two, and trust me, you’ll remember them. She has rules, and when you break them, consequences follow with a swift, practiced hand. Expect structure, expect accountability, and expect Her to uphold the highest standards of behavior [and remind you of them in ways you won’t soon forget].


If you’re in need of guidance, order, or just a little help staying on track, the Disciplinarian’s got you covered. She’s all about improvement with a side of discipline, and when She’s finished with you, let’s just say you’ll be better for it... and maybe a bit sore too. So, if you need someone who can keep you in line, congratulations, you’ve just met your match!


I am VERY passionate about this archetype. I mean, imagine how a control seeker like me sees a type of dominant Top who specializes in enforcing rules, maintaining order, and delivering discipline. A fucking wet dream! . . . some lessons need to be learned in the hard way, isn't it? 😘



The rope's Queen, the Ruler of restriction, the knot's Master, the one and only female Rigger, the one with a gleam in Her eye and a rope [or a chain, or a tie, or a scraf, or. . .] in Her hand, always ready to turn you into Her latest masterpiece. Female riggers are artist above all, you can’t change my mind about it. They combine technical skill, artistic creativity, and a deep understanding of both physical and emotional aspects of bondage. They use ropes as a medium but each knot it's also a goal.


Sure, you may for handcuffs but that’s way too basic for Her. She’ll wrap you up like a gift, making sure every knot is perfect and every twist is intentional. Her primary focus is on the art and practice of tying Her bottom, creating intricate and aesthetically pleasing patterns while also achieving various degrees of restraint and sensation. Here it's the thing, even though I'm putting female rigger in Top females the truth is that just as not all Dommes are riggers, not all Riggers are dominants. Still, They are always badass ❤️️. . .The Rigger’s playground is the rope mat, and She’s got the patience [and expertise] to make sure each knot is just snug enough to keep you right where She wants you. And don’t think you can squirm your way out, Her knots are as tight as Her standards, so if you’re under Her ropes, you’re not going anywhere without Her say-so.


With a Rigger, every tie has a purpose, every wrap is planned, and every moment has a touch of suspense. She’ll make you feel safe, secure, and just the right amount of helpless, all with a flick of Her wrist and a tug of Her rope. So if you find yourself under Her care, enjoy the ride... or, you know, the restraint. She’s not just tying you up; She’s showing you the art of letting go.



Meet the sadist, She’s here for your whimpers, winces, and gasps, and She enjoys every single one of them. With a mischievous grin and the precision of a surgeon, She’s ready to deliver just the right dose of pain to keep you on edge [and maybe on your knees]. For Her, it’s an art form, a craft, and you? Well, you're Her canvas.


The sadist doesn’t do anything halfway. She’ll look you in the eye as She lands each sting, smack, or squeeze, savoring every reaction. She’s the Queen of the slow build, making you wonder exactly what’s coming next... and then delivering it with such finesse that you’ll feel it right there the next day. She knows just how far She can push and exactly how to get you squirming, all while keeping Her calm and collected smile. And don’t think you can fake it, either. She can spot a faker from a mile away, and for that, She just might make things a little more intense.


When most people, especially men, think about female Tops archetypes the mental image they have is actually of a sadist. A sadist is a Top who can sometimes be dominant but not necessarily. She will combine technical skill, emotional insight, and a deep commitment to safety and consent while She creates an experience that is intense and fulfilling for both. It is relevant to note that although not all dominant Tops are sadists in the traditional way, meaning, the infliction of bodily pain is not at the center of Their dynamics, I have found that the vast majority are usually emotional sadists who enjoy inflicting anguish in Their submissives. . .well, at least I know I am one 😊 The sadist isn’t here to hold back; She’s here to take you to your limits and maybe even find new ones. So, if you’re brave enough to face Her, get ready to feel the burn She’s bringing it, and trust me, She won’t let you forget it.




Even though in putting these two archetypes together you need to know that some people consider them to be different, I'm some people. . . I’m just taking the short route to explain them because they share many similarities that if I explain them separately it can become repetitive. In one corner, we have the Queen, a ruler of elegance, precision, and high standards. Think regal poise meets iron-fisted control. She commands Her court with grace, and if you’re in Her presence, you’d better know how to kneel properly. The Queen doesn’t just demand respect; She commands it. She’s the one who has you doting on Her, handling Her every need, and you’ll be on your best behavior because disappointing Her would be… well, unwise. And then there’s the Goddess—ethereal, untouchable, and living on a pedestal you’re not worthy of. The Goddess doesn’t need to lift a finger; Her power radiates just by being. She’s here to be worshipped, adored, and offered tribute simply for existing. You’ll be grateful She allowed you into Her divine orbit. Her vibe is all mystery and allure, and if She decides to acknowledge you, it’ll feel like a cosmic blessing.


So, whether you’re bowing to the Queen or worshipping the Goddess, know this; one expects your devotion, the other demands it. And neither is here for anything less than total, unapologetic admiration. I personally identify [a lot] with the Queen archetype. Goddesses expect rituals of worship, devotion and adoration. They will prioritize Their own pleasure and comfort, often indulging in luxurious activities and expecting Their devotees to facilitate this. Meanwhile, a Queen maintains a composed and graceful demeanor, often incorporating luxurious or sophisticated attire that enhances Her commanding presence. A Queen demands unwavering obedience, requires strict adherence to Her rules and commands, often setting high standards for behavior and performance. They are usually very selective when it comes to choosing a "knight". Even though Queens don’t usually enjoy impact play or any form or physical punishment, that doesn’t mean She won’t enforce consequences for any failure to meet Her usually very high expectations, maintaining a strict and disciplined environment. Usually a Queen’s punishment may look like verbal reprimands or a task designed to correct behavior. In my opinion, both Goddess & Queen are dominant roles. They thrive from power and control and actively seek it. Two sides of divine Dominance.

Sensual Top

Sensual Top

The Sensualist Top; The Unsung Heroine of the BDSM Universe. . .at least that's how I see Them . . . I mean, where’s the love for the Sensualist Top, huh? You know, the one who’s all about building a slow, deliberate symphony of sensations and not just cracking whips like She’s auditioning for an action movie. This role is pure art! She’s got the silk scarves, the feather touches, the teasing that’s almost cruel because She knows exactly what you want but gives it only in the tiniest, most delicious doses. Yet somehow, this powerhouse of patient seduction gets overlooked while everyone’s drooling over the Sadist or raving about the Rigger. Newsflash: intensity doesn’t always have to leave a mark!


The Sensualist Top is out here crafting experiences so sweetly torturous that by the time She’s done, Her partner is practically begging for mercy, and all She’s using are Her fingertips and a knowing smile. It’s high time we shine a light on the slow, sensual artistry of the Sensualist and finally give Her the spotlight She deserves!


One of the most disappointing experiences I have had within kink is learning about how many FemDom groups despise this role. I guess this ill feeling stems from that already putrid cliché about Top females needing to hate men in order to validate Their desire for power and control. A sensual Top is nothing like that. She focuses on creating an environment that emphasizes connection, pleasure, and heightened sensory experiences. Her role is more of a pleasure sherpa who will guide you through physical sensations with nurturing and caring interactions, ensuring you feel cherished and safe throughout the experience.

Choose Wisely

As you may have noticed, not all Tops are Dominants, nor do they all have the same motivations. And while this classification may tempt you to believe that you have already decoded FemDomme world, think twice about that, because these roles can exist by themselves or overlap in a single woman. It is not at all crazy to find a Mistress who loves acting like a Disciplinarian, with a sensualist approach, who feels like a Queen but is actually an emotional sadist but in Her good days She likes to indulge in a Mommy role and Her dream is becoming in a Rigger. . .I'm tha Mistress, and this it's how I personally manage the conflict between meeting conventional expectations and my own desire for independent self-expression.


Alright, lovelies, that’s a wrap on the women who Top. There you have it, the fierce, the fabulous, and the oh-so-talented female Tops who reign supreme in the BDSMK world! Whether you’re in awe of the rope-slinging Rigger, bowing down to the Queen, or basking in the sensual touch of a Sensualist, there’s a leading lady for everyone’s tastes. And let’s be honest, aren't we all just a little better behaved knowing they’re around?


Now, go forth, stay curious, and remember: respect the crown, don’t squirm too much in the ropes, and always , ALWAYS pay tribute. The world of female Tops is one you don’t just tiptoe into; you enter with admiration and a dash of excitement. Until next time, kinksters, keep it classy, keep it consensual, and maybe [just maybe] find yourself a fierce femme to show you the female Top way 🌹😉


Juega seguro, con cabeza y con consentimiento, ¡y disfruta cada momento!

See you on the next one 🜉

About Miss Abby

Meet Miss Abby: a powerhouse of elegance, discipline, and a touch of sass, born under the fiery skies of Venezuela and now gracing Ecuador with Her commanding presence since 2.014. A Professional and Lifestyle Mistress, Miss Abby blends the art of classic discipline with an unwavering passion for social justice. When She’s not crafting the perfect punishment or guiding Her submissives with care and precision, She’s advocating for inclusivity and equality in every corner of life. Miss Abby is a force to be reckoned with—balancing strength and compassion in a way that leaves you mesmerized. Whether She's wielding Her crop or Her voice for change, you can be sure She does it with poise, power, and a flair for the dramatic.

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