Who We Are

We are a vibrant and inclusive community dedicated to education, health and offering support to lifestylers.

We offer services for people exploring BDSM, kink, LGBTQ+, non-monogamous relationships, and other non-normative sexualities and identities.

Our mission is to create an ethical, safe, informed, and accepting space where individuals can learn, connect, and grow.

Our Goals


We believe education is the foundation of a safe and healthy exploration of diverse sexual practices and identities.

We offer a variety of resources, including articles, wrokshops, and courses in both english and spanish.

Our content covers everything from the basics to advanced topics in BDSM, kink dynamics, LGBTQ+ issues, non-monogamy, and more.


Health Services


We understand the unique challenges faced by those part of the BDSM, kink, and non-normative sexuality communities, and we aim to provide tailored support that respects their identities and lifestyle.

Our health services focus on sexual and mental well-being, offering guidance from experienced professionals.



Sensual Exploration Services

We offer a range of services to help you safely explore your sexuality, from BDSM mentorships to kink-specific sessions.

Our approach is always centered around consent, communication, and safety, ensuring that your experience is both empowering and respectful.


Sensual Exploration

Building a Community


We aim to create a welcoming and supportive community for english and spanish speakers alike.

Through munches, workshops, roundtables, and events, we encourage open discussions, mutual support, and friendship.

Our community is a judgment-free zone where everyone can share experiences, ask questions, and find resources.

Our Values


Our goal is a safe, sane, consensual and pleasurable sex life for everyone . We will give tools in the hope those who want to learn will do it. The goal is for everyone to enjoy safely and ethically.


For many centuries, alternative sexualities have been associated with the illegal and underground.

We want to show, to veterans and newcomers alike, that kink can and should be ethical, but above all, we want to demystify it and shed some light on the topic.


We wish for a world where those who freely decide to live a non-normative sexuality are not judged.

We strive to show kinksters are not deviants mentally ill people but actually are regular folks that like to explore erotism and kink can be a sexuality that is as healthy as anyone else's.


For centuries many ancient cultures have used sex as part of the path to enlightenment.

We strongly believe  that conscious mindful sex can be a spiritual experience that can help folks to explore one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, emotions and why not even energy.


A common misconception is that kink folks are socially abnormals whose behavior only concentrates on deviant sexual encounters.

This portrayal is dangerously inaccurate and far from the truth, many kinkters are lovely, ethical, empathic, caring people who seek mindful connection and they come in every color, shape, language and size available.


Incentivize a positive transformation in the way alternative sexualities are viewed and/or experienced, the opportunity to change negative preconceived notions through knowledge.

Our Beliefs

Ethics is at the core of everything we believe in. Ethics beyond lip-service plays a key role in how people should frame their relationships and interact with each other and the world around them. We advocate for ethics to be at the center of people's behavioral decisions and actions making.


We don’t think about ethical principles from the limited and unrealistics concepts of good or bad. Our view revolves around the inviolable principle of self-determination and not harming any living creature.


We want to leave out of the conversation the issues that limits understanding and connection, and focus on generating a space where folks can strive for change and growth.


The pathologizing and criminalization of sexual desires has existed for centuries, yet it the last three or two decades non-normative sexualities have been spoken more openly, given a well deserve focues to aspects such as consent and emotional complexities. This discussions come with the understanding that sexuality is nothing more than one of the many layers that make up our humanity.


We feel it's our duty to try to share ethical views about non-normative sexualities as long as we continue to live in a society where prejudice and bigotry are alive. Instead of fostering guilt, we choose to own our uniqueness, reclaim our power, work towards understanding and eradicate ignorance.


We believe in the power of knowledge. Freedom, understanding and bravery are born during the learning process that helps us to redefine the world we live in and our place in it.


We all dream about living a life that make us feel fulfill yet we walk a path that is still full of fear, shame and hatred, the worst enemies of conscious mindful intimacy. We strive to redefine some of the concepts that for so long have haunted all kind of folks who dare to adventure into the exploration of their sexuality.


A person, as an isolated individual, doesn’t possess the strength that a community brings. We don’t exist in a vacuum, as humans it is natural for us to seek connections. It is through the process of seeking for those real connections and the experiences within it that we learn, create, laugh, play, live. We want to be heard, we want to be seen, we want to belong, we want to feel togetherness.


Society has gone from, “sex is evil, dangerous and sinful” to, “let’s fuck everyone in an unconscious shallow manner”. We stand some where in the middle. We are against the “starvation/denial” dogma but at the same time we advocate for the wonderfulness of mindful non-normative sexuality.


We acknowledge the importance of non-normative voices to be able to truly understand how diverse people’s sexuality are. We strive to learn about the challenges they face and even dare to dream about maybe finding ways of making significant positive changes in their lives.


We think that for many decades now the kink scene has suffered due to lack of preparation, ignorance, abuse of power, self-indulgence, secrecy, mystification and “self-outcasting”. We believe that by creating a safe space where normative people, kinksters, sex workers, health professionals, legal experts, therapists, among other people can share and be heard, can help to forge healthier and more diverse non-normative sexual experiences.


We hear and read "normalize" all the time, when it comes to non-normative sexualities, we believe that we should talk about “visualization” instead of normalization, since, as we all know, human sexuality is natural, normal and beautiful. What is lacking is the understanding that it is also diverse. We want to break with the habit of projecting non-normative sexualities as dangerous, suitable only for the bravest, for the riskiest and for the most extreme ones because as science has already proven on many occasions, any regular folk can have a kink.


The beauty of mankind is its diverse essence, we want to grasp that as best as we can, for being able to achieve that goal we need to dig in the legacy of our sex-negative history to review how each culture relates to sex, erotism, intimacy, sensualism, to then build a sex-positive magic box with all the positive aspects each one of us can contribute to.


In the words of two of the most leading, progressive, relevant sex educator voices, Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy:


“As proud sluts, we believe that sex and sexual love are fundamental forces for good- activities with the potential to strengthen intimate bonds, enhance lives, create spiritual awareness, even change the world. And, furthermore, we believe that all consensual sexual choices have these potentials- that any sexual pathway, consciously chosen and mindfully followed, can be a positive, creative force in the lives of individuals and their communities”

Ethical Slut; 1.997

What You Are Going to Find Here

Educational Resources
Articles, webinars, guides, and videos in English and Spanish on BDSM, kink, LGBTQ+, non-monogamy, and other sexualities.


Health and Wellness Services
Sexual health counseling, mental health support, and well-being consultations tailored to non-normative lifestyles.


Sexual Exploration Services
Guided sessions, BDSM coaching, and other forms of sexual exploration assistance, always prioritizing consent.


Online forums, social events, and community support for sharing experiences, knowledge, and connection.

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