Abrasion Play
Part of Sensory Play, it's an activity used to stimulate a person’s skin. This can be done gently to create a mild sensation and to sensitize the skin [with an item like a hairbrush]. Or can be more abrasive by using scrub brushes, emery boards, kitchen scrub pads, among many others. A form of abrasion play is "birching", where a person is struck or brushed with handfuls of twigs and leaves. Similar activity is done using handfuls of sand. Skin on skin rubbing can also be used to create an irritating effect on the skin also referred to as a “dutch rub”.
The more abrasive and harder version of abrasion play is likely to leave marks and can cause damage to the skin. A person’s skin is their first line of defense against infection and blood has the potential to transmit disease. All wounds must be properly treated and all precautions must be taken to avoid the risk of HIV and other STDs during such play.

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