Aftercare it's a term use within the kink community to refer to the time spend checking in with all the people who was active during the play after a scene. This practice DOES NOT have a set duration time, can range from 15 minutes up to more than a coupe of hours.
The relavance of this practice lies on allowing players to take care of each other's physical, emotional, and psychological needs giving that activities can be intense and physically demanding.
Aftercare can involve a range of activities, depending on the needs of the individuals involved.
Emotional aftercare involves supporting each other through any emotional reactions or feelings that may arise as a result of the scene. This may involve talking about what happened, offering reassurance and comfort, or simply being present and attentive to each other's needs.
Aftercare it's NOT limited to a specific dynamic, role or play style.
If you want to know more about it check our article.